intimate laie hawaii temple wedding + ring ceremony | saren + joe

saren and joe had the most intimate, beautiful fall wedding at the laie hawaii temple. they followed their sealing with a small beach ring ceremony on temple beach with their closest family and friends. from the moment i first contacted saren and joe, i knew that we would be a perfect fit. they love love and they love each other. they seriously had goggly eyes at each other all day long and it was the easiest thing in the world to capture.

these two made this wedding 100% about them and i admire that so much. so often couples feel pressure to make their wedding day stick to traditions or are worried about catering the day to everyone else, but these two did only the things that made them the happiest and you could tell that. their guests loved every moment and not to mention, they had the best dance party i have ever seen at a wedding!

i wish these two the best of luck and know that their marriage will stay happy and glowing just like they are!

WeddingSheyanne Petrovich